Soka Gakkai International Belgium a.s.b.l.
B.C.E. 0445.120.231
Rue Grisar, 46
1070 Bruxelles
Phone number : 0032 2345 87 14
Fax number : 0032 2346 46 85
Email address:
Please note that the SGIBEL Center is not open every day. We strongly recommend that you contact us before coming to the centre, so as to save you an unnecessary trip.
The Buddhist centre of Soka Gakkai International Belgium is less than 10 minutes' walking distance from the South train station (Gare du Midi / Zuidstation).
If you would like to get in touch with our confidential advisors regarding compliance with the Ethics and Professional Conduct Charter, you can send a message to
Please feel free to include your phone number in the message if you prefer that they call you back.